Chimera african violet. A very special breed of African violet. Chimera african violet

 A very special breed of African violetChimera african violet Chimera Colored Edge Speckled Edge Geneva Edge Raised Edge A striped bloom mutation A sharp color change A fine dotted color fade A white or silver trim A thick, often ruffled edge

Standard chimera: Humako Jantien (Humako) Single simple blue chimera with darker purple stripe. International Shipping; Concord Leaf. . 5 watchersPaul Sorano appeared in a segment on the Martha Stewart Show on Tuesday, February 7, 2012, representing Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses. Medium green, plain to slightly quilted foliage. This entry was written by admin , posted on April 1, 2013 at 12:01 am , filed under April Fools , Flowering and tagged Flowering . 5. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Your email is never shared. Other plants subjected to the same lighting, soil, watering and temperature conditions in the growing area did wonderfully,. This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 28 April, 2022. These are the pictures (flower and plant) of the actual plant. Skip to content. View my complete profile. After I applied what I believe is the fungicide that stopped the infestation, Dithane M-45. In African violets, chimeras often exhibit striped or pinwheel color patterns in the flowers and unfortunately, cannot be reproduced by leaf cuttings. Mini chimeras. Note that we’re not just talking about variegation. International Shipping; Test4Final. com This plant like all chimera African violets have two genotype populations that live on the same plant resulting in this little gem expressing this interesting flower phenotype. Plain, ovate. With a sharp knife, cut ½ an inch of the stem at a 45-degree angle. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Selling and shipping African violets and collectible houseplants since 1985. com. Locate a healthy, mature leaf that is growing close to the base of an existing African violet. To say the plant from a flower blooming color perspective is not stable is an understatement. Chimeras cannot be reproduced by leaf cutting, we have to use other techniques and in this video I will show 2 different techniques on how to propagate Afric. $35. What Is a Chimera Violet? First, consider the word chimera. Princess K' Rei. To say the plant from a flower blooming color perspective is not stable is an understatement. Med green pointed foliage. Watch a YouTube video of the segment. Quote. A chimera african violet is a type of plant that is known for its unusual and beautiful flowers. In the violet hobby, the term usually refers to varieties having pinwheel striped blossoms. EnchantedDreamerCo. Anna's Harmony (originates from Harmony's Little Stinker) Simple or semi-double purple flowers, often without a white eye, are located on a compact miniature rosette. Model # NURSERY. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. This is the first flowering of this plant that is about 5+ inches across growing in a 6 oz yogurt cup. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Over the last 20 years I have worked on a method and technique to incorporate tissue culture methods into stem propagation with the goal of producing high quality perfect clones of the parent chimera African violets. 00. (10802) 01/05/2016 (C. It’s commonly known for its colorful crowns surrounded by lush foliage. Live house plant variegated chimera bloom African Violet ‘Arctic Frost’ garden 4” flower Potted gift. So that's it! Now you know my chimera African violet propagation secrets. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. Paul Sorano appeared in a segment on the Martha Stewart Show on Tuesday, February 7, 2012, representing Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses. The Chimera African Violet Blog. When propagation by leaves is not enough, African violets can even be propagated by their blossom stems. Skip to content. Stromborg) Single chimera dark purple pansy/white stripe. As I do with a degree of frequency, I monitor eBay for chimera African violets I may want to purchase and on occasion any unusual non-chimera African violet that catches my fancy. 5. Post a Comment. Small pop up greenhous. Stromborg) Single chimera dark purple pansy/white stripe. They are then sealed. Semiminiature Sport of Coral Kitty : Raspberry Charm Stripe Chimera violets are so different from other african violets they require specialized care in propagation Cuttings and tissue culture won't work. In your "spare" time, you might want to make the plant titles (like Standards and Aeschynanthus) into links for those of us who are word oriented. Your plant will be shipped priority mail 2. These varieties are only available as plants. Medium green, pointed. African violets are very easily propagated from leaf. She became seriously interested in violets in 2013. Standard chimera Sport of Fantastic Fading Embers (P. Chimeras, which have a characteristic stripe of color down the center of each petal lobe, will rarely produce offspring with the same color pattern. Safe delivery by Express Mail. Allegro Easter Morn. Bookmark the permalink. How to Grow. The Chimera African Violet Blog. Jere’s Roll Tide Out of about 500 seedlings, this one chimera variety emerged as the perfect tribute to the Crimson Tide. In the same line of thought there is a very good article by Neil Lipson in the May/June 2012 African Violet Magazine titled “Chimeras, Pinwheels, Leaf Chimeras, and other Anomalies”. This supplement. This is a standard chimera. com Or you can call me at: 609-431-6982. Post a Comment. These plantlets flowered between 80% and 95% true-to-type depending on the cultivar. Happy slicing and growing! If you missed it, read more in Propagating African Violet Chimeras Part 1. 08. In mythology, a chimera is a beast constructed of parts from two or more different animals. Young leaves in the middle of. Chimera Pony Ride African Violet Plant - Miniature Trailer. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Standard AVSA Most Wanted: Edee: Single chimera white/blue stripe. It had lighter green leaves then the parent which for me was a tip-off that the bloom was going to be different. Home; About. African Violets. 2019, Jan. Home; About. Skip to content. Chimera African Violet Shimai – Sport » The Commonly Rare African Violet As this site is dedicated to the chimera African violet and subsequently is each article that is written here, there are occasions that an exceptional photo or article on African violets is published somewhere that deserves to be read and looked at by all. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Sport of Angel's Reflections. This pattern is caused by a spontaneous mutation and is. One of the varieties " Blue Boy ," produced a mutation that had the white-to-yellowsih discoloration at the base of the leaf. Few other houseplants can match their ability to thrive and bloom indoors for months on end. The below image is the same chimera African violet (flower chimera) whose leaves were white (last months post) and maintained under 1600 lux LED lamp. Bookmark the permalink. Background was black, lighting was constant, the entire focus was on the blooms of the African violet. Ford), from a flower stem. Bloom 6. So it was not but a few months later when I saw on ebay (the epitome of the free market), a chimera African violet, Concord. See more ideas about african violets, saintpaulia, plants. Both miniature and standard chimera African violets are available. Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment . 99. The blooms are white sticktite star with green stripes, variable thin purple edge on the bloom edges can be seen. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Skip to content. Log In. This entry was written by admin, posted on April 1,. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Sometimes referred to as "pinwheels" or "striped" flowers. . If we not available please leave a message we will get back to you quickly. are determined by a pair of genes—one obtained from each of the parent plants. You can purchase chimera african violets at our store page at. Chimera flowers have a pinwheel or radial stripe pattern of two colors on each petal and are sport flowers, usually bicolor, colored edge or fantasy flowers mutated from the original plant. Standard. Many Interested In Forming New Chapters. Add just enough water slowly that it runs through the soil and comes out of the bottom. Chimeras are African violets with blossoms that have a stripe down the middle of each petal. The different-colored stripes are the result of two different genetic makeups, so these different sections of color have cells with different genetic components. Natalia was born and still lives in St. Listing review by Dutch. ~AVSA Photo Collection. Chimera Colored Edge Speckled Edge Geneva Edge Raised Edge A striped bloom mutation A sharp color change A fine dotted color fade A white or silver trim A thick, often ruffled edge. Mark unread; Skip to new; Mark unread Print Skip to new. Try this on chimeras with pinwheel flowers and green leaves just the same way. 013. Remove all of the blooms and bloom stalks. Now here is a chimera African violet bloom that is an eye full. Medium green, plain. 00. 99) Leaves ($7. Our violets are monitored and tested for genetic and growth. The Image above illustrates how small an African violet seed really is. African violet chimeras are a special type of African violets which have striped flowers (or leaves) and sometimes are called pinwheels. The Chimera African Violet Blog. However, they are varieties (usually with unusual pinwheel bloom markings or something fabulous) that do not "come true" from a leaf cutting and. Posted by m3rma1d at 8:33 AM. I then did stem culture on it and produced 3 plants. Here is the link to the chimera page at Lyndon Lyon African violets. 2017 - Просмотрите доску «Afrikan violet» пользователя Nazarova Nuriya в Pinterest. Photographs taken in Sept. General non-tissue culture propagation information. 00. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. This will help to produce the best humidity for growth. Medium green, quilted. Lyndon Lyon Greenhoouses, Inc. Not too hot; not too cold; fresh air but no drafts; and enough humidity (40 to 50%) to maintain tissue moisture. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Again another sport and an interesting outcome. Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses, Inc. These plants can be propagated. Try this on chimeras with pinwheel flowers and green leaves just the same way. If you want to watch this directly on YouTube where the image is bigger, just click on the lower right hand corner of the video screen above, where it says “YouTube”. A combination of a chimera and a thumbprint, as special and unique as the little girl it's named after, "Katrina Rae". We sell African violets. 65 shipping. Medium green plain foliage. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Darrow) Single chimera white ruffled pansy/hot pink stripe. The Chimera African Violet Blog. Jere’s Cranberry Surprise 2016 Supplement to African Violet Master List of Species and Cultivars Page 4 ‘Rock Star’. April 15, 2013 – 12:01 am. Fancy Bloomers The Alps in 2. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Overfertilization and salt buildup will cause complications with the roots and stems of the plant. April 1, 2022 – 1:00 am This is an example of an African violet sport that has no genetic stability in its bloom color. There are now so many interesting chimera African violets, with some complex coloration and color patterns. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Flower types. This is the first flowering of this plant that is about 4-5 inches across growing in a 6 oz yogurt cup. The pinwheel flowering African violets are periclinal chimeras. It’s best to use a mature leaf, but not one that’s old and tough. The pinwheel flowering African violets are periclinal chimeras. Medium green, pointed, serrated, girl foliage that grows flat and symmetrical. , China, and Spain reported Thursday they have created the first embryos that were part human and part monkey and kept them. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Chimera /Pinwheel African Violet Flower Type: Flowers which exhibit a continuous striped pinwheel like pattern with two contrasting colors. 95. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Posted by admin on August 29, 2015 at 5:52 pm. A common sport of the chimera African violet Shimai will produce purple-cream bloom with green edges when the. Very tiny amount used in the application. Skip to content. Variegation on leaf chimeras is very rare and is completely immune to changes in temperature, environment and age. Yachiyo Tabata is an amazing chimera African violet. Then water with lukewarm plain water for the next 2 weeks before returning to routine fertilizing. This may very well make an interesting and new chimera African violet if the stalk can be propagated into a plant. ), Mohammad Aslanpour, Mahmoud Shoor, Behnaz Ghalekahi, Ahmad Sharifi, Mahdieh Kharrazi. Horikoshi/H. Allegro Watermelon Ruffles - $10. In 1892 Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire, the German governor of a northeastern province in Tanganyika (now part of Tanzania), found a low-growing plant with very hairy, fleshy leaves, and striking blue flowers growing among shaded rocky ledges in the Usambara Mountains. The Chimera African Violet Blog. The material is called “Keikigrow Plus”. Darrow) Single chimera white ruffled pansy/hot pink stripe. I am not drawing this as a broad conclusion on all African violets, but on the narrow spectrum of developing Chimeras prior to them blooming. 00. 10y. Fancy Bloomers' Own HybridsLeavesPots and SuppliesGift Certificates. African Violet Chimeras. $45. Stress factors such as uneven cultural. By bloom stalk, by suckers, by crown removal and suckering, and by stem slicing. Chimeras. Natalia’s plants all use her “Nik-“ prefix. This is a standard chimera. Trailing African violets are perhaps the easiest to grow and bloom, especially for the novice. This is the most common method of propagating chimera African violets. Visit My Website Toni's Home Nursery CHIMERA (pronounced ki{long i}-meera) is mutated/sported African Violet happens by accident that has two or more distinct genetic cell lines in one plant. What is a chimera African Violet? You can do internet searches to read up about chimeras, be they plants or animals, but in this case we are talking about an African. Genes can either be dominant or recessive. Posted by admin on March 29, 2015 at 12:47 pm. It has large, double blooms that are pure white in color, are slightly ruffled, and have a beautiful sheen to them. African Violets Digital Paper images watercolor hand painted purple lilac flower Instant Download for blog cards invitations scrapbooking (510) $ 8. The Chimera African Violet Blog. It never bloomed. But to do it safely there are many misconceptions that must be cleared up as to what the packs can and cannot do. Below are some examples. Variegation on leaf chimeras is very rare and is completely immune to changes in temperature, environment and age. Then spread at least a ½ inch layer of potting soil in a shallow container. Bookmark the permalink. Anthoflores® is the only African violet entirely tissue culture bred, propagated and grown in North America and is guaranteed free of overseas pathogens. Small metal plant stand. This product was added to our catalog on Monday 02 February, 2009. Post a Comment. Blue eyed African violets are a variety of violet that is native to Africa. excess water has drained out. Required fields are marked *More Chimera African Violet Sports and A Possible Double Chimera. A healthy host plant with have a green stem without brown patches. Firedancer (Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses) This is a standard chimera with variegated medium green and ivory leaves. Semiminiature Sport of Coral Kitty : Raspberry Charm StripeChimera violets are so different from other african violets they require specialized care in propagation Cuttings and tissue culture won't work. Chimera African Violets. Buy them here. Make sure that any. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. All the leaves of the ten original African violets were entirely green without the slightest trace of other colors. ED. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Variegated Standard chimera. Home; About. Sometimes referred to as "pinwheels" or "striped" flowers. 0 bids. eu Online Houseplant Shop offering beautiful African violet chimeras. Attached is a link to a very simple and very effective way I grow African violets from seed. ~AVSA Photo Collection ~African Violet Photo Archive ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Standard. Try Trellising (episcias) African Violet Growers faced by Many Problems (Q&A) Few Violet Growers in Bahamas But New Society Is Organized. '. After 20 minutes, discard the leftover water in the tray, bowl or saucer. Leaves: Large; Roll down; Standard form; Medium green color; Learn what are African Violet chimera flowers, how they are produced, how to propagate them, and what are the optimal growing conditions for them. About four years ago I propagated this plant, Ford’s Pinwheel (J. Bloom 5. Links. salbia68 (8,786) 100%. Posted by admin on September 26, 2012 at 8:34 pm. Home; About. Chimeras (pronounced ki-meer-ah) must be propagated by suckers or blossom stalk. Ad In (5087) 11/10/1982 (S. has been a worldwide. Ford’s Pinwheel Chimera African Violet. She became seriously interested in violets in 2013. Varieties. African violet does not bloom true . $13. Skip to content. For more care tips visit myViolet. Petersburg. For example, our new Qwick Covers can extend the store-life of our plants by 2 to 4 weeks. This variety has been around for decades and is still one of the most popular ones available. The variegated African violet chimeras are extremely rare. Also An Emerald City Sport. If you want a classic white African violet, then the Diamond Tiffany is the one for you. General non-tissue culture propagation information. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. My favorite chimera is ‘Yukako’ with its flowers that are purple and green striped. In flowers, produces a pinwheel color pattern with distinct stripes of color on each petal. I do miss some of the vintage chimeras that have been out for a long time. At far left is the original blossom stem, just after having been removed from the plant, then shown with the cuts made in steps 2 and 3. This is a standard chimera. Leaf chimeras can be highly variable but generally have a strip of lighter or darker color up through the /center/ of the leaves. Bookmark the permalink. Click this link to see how to plant African violet seeds. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. International Shipping; New Concord 2. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. Please sign up for in stock notifications to get. The African violet is one of the most popular. ~Photographic images of African violets that I consider the best around; Propagation. Sport of Allegro Easter Sunday. 6 bids. AFRICAN VIOLET LE-GALAKTICHESKIY SHTORM,. Check out our african violets chimera selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our house plants shops. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. Hybridizer is Eyerdom (Reg# 6808 1/15/1988) this chimera plant is a perfect example of the “vintage” chimera African violets. Posted by admin on March 31, 2013 at 9:52 pm. Whitaker) Medium blue star. Click on the images to enlarge. On August 24th 2014. Propagation. Littel Stinker Suckers Compared. 02/03/2003 (Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses/Sorano) Semidouble-double chimera pink large frilled star/white stripe, blue fantasy. Foliage is dark green with red back. Robinson) Semidouble chimera cream-white to blush pink star/blue-purple stripe. International Shipping; Concord Sport1. Yachiyo Tabata. First published in the African Violet Society of America magazine. $7. A very thin white edge surrounds each bouquet of flowers. History of African Violets; Contact; How to Maximize Use Of This Website; Image Gallery; Shop; Archives. African Violet names beginning with ‘L’. -Biscayne Trail: The beautiful trailing of. Dark Green foliage. Violet Chimera General Information and Growing Tips ANYONEcan grow beautiful African violets ANYWHERE if the proper cultural methods are practiced. This very robust plant sends off these exceptional blooms of semidouble-single star bloom with pink/purple fantasy streaks with white stripes. Miniature. Skip to content. ~Chimera African violet images (worth the look) ~Photos of Chimera African Violets on Facebook. This is the first flowering of this plant that is 7+ inches across growing in a 6 oz yogurt cup. Leaf Chimera Proof 1. Secure online shopping. Mystery of the African Violet. African Violet Genetics. I propagated it using my standard method (tissue culture) and placed it in a 2 oz plastic cup to grow. Otherwise plants and leaves will be. Starting a violet leaf is easy, fast, and. 5 Pot - The Alps (7813) 10/03/1992 (K. The colors are the same as the parent but each bloom reflects just one of the colors of the chimera parent. Also home of Harmony’s Great Pumpkin (orange Peperomia) Harmony’s Little Stinker (leaf chimera African Violet. Depending on how detailed one wants to get into the topic of the plant tissue culture process, there is a myriad of papers, articles and books providing. Home; About. Repot the plant if it hasn’t been re-potted in the past year and clean the old pot. The Yukako that had normal leaves producing the normal Yukako bloom and the plant that was producing what looked like the chimera leaves produced a dark purple bloom. Visit My Website Toni's Home Nursery 14, 2023 - This Pin was discovered by Peg Crawford. lilypad22 (tish) near Atlanta, GA (Zone 7b)Nov 20, 2014. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. Posted by admin on August 22, 2015 at 9:47 am. They are sometimes called 'pinwheel' blossoms. These photos may not be copied or reproduced for any reason and are considered copyright material that falls under the property restrictions of AVChimera. 'Chimera Concord' Semi-double creamy white flowers are boldly accented with deep bluish-purple stripes in a. (J Norton) Single violet bell bloom with white stripe. Skip to content. See moreMay 22, 2022. Our African violets are 100% pesticide free and are grown with the best environmental stewardship practices available. New Concord 2. About our store. ~Chimera African Violets that have Sported or Mutated. 5. 2 – Semi-Double. Musings From the "Mini-Mam". Buy them here. Joan6aON Mississauga, ON (Zone 6a) Dec 05, 2005. As winter approaches it is not uncommon to see chimera and regular African violets being shipped using 72 hour heat packs. Chimera African Violet Crosses As follow up to a post from April 10th “Do Crosses Between Chimera African Violets Produce Viable Seed” and to the point that crosses of chimera African violets DO NOT produce other chimera African violets I have grown out to flower the cross of Rob’s Miriwinni (seed plant) X Monique (pollen plant). Place your potted African Violet plants on top of the mat. If a plant has either two dominant genes or one dominant and one recessive for a given trait then the plant will display that. Now if you do not maintain the plant, it will send out small shoots and if you do not remove them and Leaf chimera African violets not properly groomed, will over time,. These violets have blue or purple flowers with very subtle ruffles on the end of the blooms. . I have heard that lots of chimera revert to the basic type when you observe such phenomenon. Yukako (Japanese Chimera) African Violet Chimeras. Now, with 3 weeks in north-north east window exposure that was only 800 LUX, the youngest leaves at the top of the crown started to produce chlorophyll. General non-tissue culture propagation information. Looks healthy and seems to be growing. It is a standard Chimera with leaves that are dark green, are ovate and quilted. Medium green, plain, glossy. Skip to content. Their petals and stems have outer layers that are true to the color of the parent plant’s bloom, and a second, inner layer that is genetically different from the mother plant, resulting in the chimera’s signature pinwheel striped pattern. Very cute! Tiny, dark blue, double stars. Sport Of A Sport+. Granger’s Sugar Frost. Variegated dark green and white, plain, pointed, serrated. Oh and yeah, I really do think I'm a mermaid.